Board of Directors Application Form Lake Norman Tennis Association LNTA Board of Directors Name * Phone * Email * Address * City * Zip Code * USTA Member? * Yes No If so, how many years? * What current USTA/LNTA leagues/programs do you participate in? * Have you participated in governance of other associations? * Yes No If yes, in what positions? * What skills do you offer to the board? * Do you have any non-profit/association or applying for 501(C)3 experience? * I am applying for: * Board Member Treasurer President Secretary Vice President Why do you want to join the LNTA board? * Are you able to commit your time to a monthly meeting at 6:30pm (typically meet 10 out of 12 months) and some committee meetings as needed? * Yes No reCAPTCHA Submit About LNTAMeet LNTA News New to LKN Tennis? Contact LNTA RECENT NEWS The Town of Cornelius will Build (12) New Tennis Courts Iris Ham – Celebrating 30 Years as USTA Adult League Coordinator Women’s 7.5 Sectional Champions! Combo State Championship Winners 4.5 Men Win State Championship