Captain's Corner & Player Resources

Lake Norman Tennis Association

USTA Membership

Participation in USTA Leagues requires a USTA membership. This can be done easily online, and allows you to compete in USTA-sanctioned tournaments, too.

USTA League Rules & Regulations

Players, teams, and local leagues must abide by all USTA rules & regulations. These are categorized by geographic areas and specific leagues: Lake Norman (our local playing area), North Carolina (state), the Southern Section (includes Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, NC, SC, & Tennessee), and National programs. North Carolina is divided into 14 different USTA Adult League Playing Areas (view map & list here).

All USTA League matches are un-officiated. Captain responsibilites and match procedures are outlined in the Lake Norman Local Regulations, so refer to those during the season. To ensure your team follows proper procedures, it’s a good idea to bring a copy of the local regulations to your matches.

Resources for Understanding Tennis Rules in Match Play

Iris Ham, Local League Coordinator, conducts a meeting for new captains. LNTA Board Member, Tim Powell, shares some useful tips.

Team & Player League Registration

Your USTA membership must remain active throughout the league in which you have registered. If your renewal date falls during the season, you’ll be notified that your membership needs to be renewed prior to registration.

  • Renew My USTA Membership – Login to TennisLink and click Renew 
  • Create a New Team Online – the captain registers the team, which generates the team # 
  • Team Types – Closed, Closed but Seeking Players, or Open
  • Player Registration – you will need the team # (usually provided by the Captain) before you can register on the team

 Which Captain Tasks are Done on TennisLink?

  • register your team
  • view your team’s match schedule
  • get opposing captain’s contact info
  • see your team roster with player contact info
  • print a match scorecard
  • enter / confirm / dispute scores
  • view current flight standings
  • see other flights in your age division

Captain Forms

Captains, use the Scorecard Correction form when there’s an error with scores or player names. Once scores have been submitted, only the League Coordinator can make corrections. Deadline for corrections to be made is 2 weeks after match completion. Email the opposing captain, copy Iris (, and submit the form. You’ll need the Match ID # (found on the match scorecard & schedule).

If you need a court for a make-up match at a park/public facility, the League Coordinator will make the reservation. Submit the Make-Up Court Reservation form and provide the original match date, how many courts you need, and the preferred location. If your home facility is a private club, contact the club directly to reserve make-up courts.

How to Print a Match Scorecard – Info & Example of Completed Scorecard

How do you print your blank scorecard? Login to TennisLink, pull up your team’s match schedule, and hover over the match date. Choose PRINT A BLANK SCORECARD.

How do you enter scores? The winning captain logs into TennisLink, hovers over over the match date and chooses ENTER SCORES. You’ll have a final chance to make sure you’ve selected all the correct players and typed in the scores accurately before submitting. *You have 48 hours from when the match is played to enter the scores.

How do you confirm scores? The non-winning captain hovers over the match & selects the CONFIRM SCORES option.

USTA Captain’s Videos

These videos will help you with some basic Captain tasks.

  •  How to View Your Team’s Schedule | WATCH
  • How to Enter Your Match Scores | WATCH
  • How to View Your Team’s Standings | WATCH

Park Facility Captains – Pay Court Fees

If you’re a captain of a public park team, you’ll need to pay court usage fees for the season. Fees are based on the number of courts reserved for each match. An invoice will be emailed to all the park captains, and payment is due within 10 days. Collect from your players. If you captain multiple teams, click on “Review and Pay” and then “View Invoice”. Once you open up the invoice, it will tell you which team and facility for that invoice. There are (3) ways to pay your team’s court fees:

  • Pay the invoice to LNTA using PayPal or Zelle – use See QR Codes to the right
  • Pay the invoice – Mail a check to: LNTA Bookkeeper, PO BOX 651 Cornelius, NC 28031 (Please write the team & invoice # on the check).
  • Submit payment in advance of receiving the invoice – use either method above. Court fees amounts due are listed in the Lake Norman Regulations.

iPhone App for USTA League Tennis allows you to view match schedules, track rosters and stats, record scores, find an NTRP rating, and more. Use the landscape view to see match locations.

Team Management

The Team Management Tool found on Tennislink has useful features for captains. Schedule team practices, view player availability & generate lineups. It’s free and makes communication more efficient. To use the Team Management Tool, you must first be signed into your USTA account. Once on your personalized page, select “Team Management” under My Quick Links.


Facility Locations

USTA league matches are assigned to various court locations around the Lake Norman area. Be sure to consult your team’s match schedule on Tennislink to verify the locations of all your matches.

Click here to find court locations, so you can get your team to the match on time!

Resources for Adult Beginners

Perhaps you’ve completed one of our Adult Beginner Tennis programs like Try Tennis or Rally Rookies. You’ve purchased your USTA membership and gotten your self-rating. Now you’re ready to play on your first USTA team! Here are some resources to help you get comfortable with playing league matches.

  • Match Basics Explained
  • How to Keep Score in a Tennis Match – Video
  • Scoring Basics
  • Coman Tie-break Procedures
  • The Code – The Player’s Guide to Fair Play and the Unwritten Rules of Tennis
  • Completed Match Scorecard – In the 2.5 Beginner Leagues throughout the year, teams play some combination of 3 courts per match. Depending on the season & age division, 2.5 matches might be (1) court of singles, (2) courts of doubles, or it could be (3) courts of doubles. This example of a completed scorecard shows more individual matches like they play in higher ratings divisions, but it will give you an idea of the correct way to fill out a team match scorecard in different scoring situations.
  • How to Start a Match and Warmup with Opponents – Video
  • Racquet Spin Choices – The winner(s) of the pre-match racquet spin during the warmup may choose to: serve first, receive first, pick a side to start, or defer to the opponent(s). The opponent(s) has/have the choice of what remains, but may not defer again.


Questions? Contact the USTA Adult League Coordinator below.

Iris Ham

Iris Ham

USTA Adult & Growth League Coordinator